The CII’s R01 exam, Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics, has a current pass rate of 68%.
The exam has 100 questions, and you have 2 hours to complete it. 87 questions are single-response questions that only need one answer. 13 of the 100 are pesky multiple-response question that require more than one answer. These are much harder to answer.
Here are 10 tips to make sure you pass the exam first time – or at least make it more likely!
Click here for our FREE R01 practice questions
Click here for a student’s point of view on R01
Click here for the CII FREE exam guide
Be prepared. Good preparation leads to success. If you want to know how you can learn on the go and fit it in around everything else, click here for details.
Until the next time
Ian Patterson
Ex-examiner and author of the current CII study texts: CF8, J07, and AF6
If you are sitting the CII R01 exam, the best way to know ‘what it’s all about’ is to learn from other students who have sat the exam. Here is Matthew’s story….
Hi my name is Matthew. I have been fortunate enough to work in the financial industry for some time, mainly dealing with large corporate companies but not retail clients. So, you could say this is all new to me. I recently passed the CII R01 exam first time and here are some of the key things I learned.
As you can imagine the wording of the question needs you to have a complete understanding of the subject matter. Often with multiple choice questions you get the feeling that two of the answers are possibly correct. I cannot stress enough, READ THE QUESTION AT LEAST TWICE. Every word used in R01 questions is carefully chosen for a specific reason. By slowly reading the questions I found it easier to think of an answer – prior to then reading the multiple-choice answers. By spending more time on the question, it minimised my time pondering the correct answer. Practice this and try for yourself at home, it really does save time.
The final 13 questions in the CII R01 exam are multiple-response questions. So, the answer will be 2 or more of the 5 or 6 available options. You only score a mark on these multiple response questions IF you get each of the correct answers. No more, no less. A good score on these questions can really make the difference between you passing or failing. As mentioned earlier, reading the questions several times prior to reading the answers really helped me, especially under exam pressure.
Scoring at least 50% on these final 13 questions is a good result.
The link to the CII 2023/24 syllabus can be found here.
Why bother looking at it? The answer is that every chapter of the CII study text will have a different number of questions in the exam. In other words, some areas are tested more than others. My tip is to focus your time where the marks are.
I used the CII text, RevisionMate Knowledge Checker practice questions, and the audiobook. I found the audio material particularly useful filling those gaps whilst travelling, and once downloaded you can study for short bursts anytime anywhere.
Click here for other tips on revision material.
Click here for details of the R01 audio book.
Here is the first of two technical areas I’ll look at. Increasing the financial capability of the UK population is important to both the government and the FCA. Better educated clients make more informed choices and not everyone will seek financial advice from an adviser. To provide more guidance and information, various initiatives have been rolled-out. These include The National Strategy for Financial Capability and The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) which provides Pension Wise and MoneyHelper. Both of these offer impartial free guidance and information to anyone that seeks it. It is certainly worth knowing what they offer.
My second technical area is State Benefits. This might be worth one or two questions in an exam and everyone hates these! Don’t bother trying to remember the monetary amounts of each benefit. It seems to be more about who would be eligible for each benefit and some of the KEY elements of them. Here are some of the points that I though were most likely to be tested in this area:
Details current as a July 2023.
I hope you have found these specific parts of the R01 useful.
Good luck, Matthew.
Found it useful hearing from a student? Click here for another.
Are you revising for the CII’s R01 exam? Know someone who is? Then read on…..!
We’ve put together 10 single-response multiple choice questions for you as a taster of what you can expect in the R01 exam.
We’ve helped over 6,000 people prepare for the CII R0 exams over the past 12 months (1st August 2022 to the 31st July 2023). We don’t sell multiple choice questions but we are here to help as much as we can with your R01 exam.
What we do offer is unique R01 MP3 audio material. This provides around 4 hours of dedicated R01 material that enables you to fit your study around your business and social life – not the other way around. Click here for further details.
Now, onto these practice questions. See how well you do on these R01 exam style questions. You’ll find the answers at the end.
These questions are based on the 2024/25 tax year. Here goes……..
1. Which body sets interest rates in the UK and what is its inflation target?
a) The Treasury; 2% CPI
b) The Treasury; 2% RPI
c) The Monetary Policy Committee; 2% CPI
d) The Monetary Policy Committee; 2% RPI
2. Mohammed is concerned about how he would cope financially in the event of long term sickness. Which type of insurance policy is MOST likely to satisfy this need?
a) Accident sickness and unemployment insurance
b) Mortgage payment protection
c) Private medical insurance
d) Income protection insurance
3. John and Janet owned a property as tenants in common. On Janet’s death:
a) the entire property would pass straight to John as surviving joint owner
b) her children would automatically become legal owners of the full property
c) her share of the property forms part of her estate and is distributed accordingly
d) her share of the property would be held in trust for her adult children
4. A ‘directive’ is a form of EU legislation. This requires Member States to implement the directive:
a) to achieve a set outcome, but how this is achieved is left to each State
b) in its entirety with no discretion about how it is implemented
c) by introducing high level principle-based regulation that underpin the directive
d) only if they choose to do so
5. Which regulator is charged with ensuring that competition between businesses is a benefit to customers and the economy as a whole?
a) The Office of Fair Trading
b) Competition Commission
c) The Prudential Regulation Authority
d) Competition and Markets Authority
6. If a firm of financial advisers has been granted a Part 4A permission by the FCA, the organisation can now:
a) act as a Designated Professional Body
b) proceed to appoint some Appointed Representatives
c) undertake the regulated activities applied for
d) advise on a whole of market basis only
7. How much notice does the Financial Conduct Authority need to give before conducting an enforcement visit on a regulated firm?
a) None
b) 3 working days
c) 5 working days
d) 7 working days
8. Smith and Wesson are insurance brokers who also undertake mortgage and investment advice. Which conduct of business rule book(s) will they need to comply with?
a) ICOBS only
b) COBS and MCOB only
c) COBS, ICOBS and MCOB only
d) BCOBS, MCOB and ICOBS only
9. Under S.19 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, it is an offence for someone to carry out a regulated activity unless they are:
a) authorised or exempt
b) recognised by a Designated Professional Body
c) recognised by a relevant professional body
d) licensed under the Consumer Credit Act
10. George is in the process of applying to be a financial adviser with a UK bank. Under the certification regime, who will decide that George is competent and suitable for this role?
a) The CII
b) The Financial Conduct Authority
c) His employer
d) The Prudential Regulation Authority
Here are some other tips and information you might find useful:
R01 exam: the 5 myths. Click here
R01 exam: three technical areas you should know. Click here
Five top tips for R0 exam success – part 1. Click here
For more details on R01, see the CII website. Click here
Answers: 1: C; 2: D; 3: C; 4: A; 5: D; 6: C; 7: A; 8: C; 9: A; 10: C.
Remember, good preparation is the key. Until the next time
Ian Patterson
Ex-examiner and author of the current CF8, J07, and AF6 CII study texts
Like any exam, it helps if you understand the type of exam it is. Here are five common myths about the CII R01 exam. If you want to pass R01 first time, read on and go into the exam with your eyes open.
Er, i don’t think so. Although the latest CII statistics show that the pass rate for R01 is ‘middle of the road’, it won’t feel like that when you are studying for it. People tend to find the R01 exam difficult because:
1. ‘regulation’ isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Yes, there are easy bits like the advice disclosure requirements – most people who have a little experience will know this. But there are also other bits with a bewildering array of acronyms such as MiFID, FIT and SYSC. You will need a high-level understanding of these but the challenge for some will be staying awake long enough to learn this; and
2. around 13 out of the 100 questions are multiple response questions. This means that there will be more than one correct answer to get a mark. These are much more difficult than the one from four standard question. Work on the basis that if you get 50% of these correct, you are doing well. The easiest R0 exam – statistically and from people’s feedback – is R05. Amongst other things, there are no multiple response questions at all in this subject.
Tip: The CII recommend 100 hours of study for R01. If you are new to the profession, you’ll need this and more. If you have some experience, you’ll probably need less than this but focus your study on those areas you are least familiar with.
Tip: Don’t feel you have to make this the first R0 exam you sit. In practice, many people sit it last as there is no serious overlap between R01 and the other R0 subjects.
I have some sympathy with this view. Although the CII R01 exam ISN’T all about the FCA, it will probably feel like it is! Let me explain. The R01 syllabus has 11 elements. The first three of these account for 27 out of the 100 marks for the CII R01 exam and have no real ‘FCA’ content.
Chapter 2, in particular, has little to do with the ‘FCA’ as it tests you – at a high level – on insurance-based products. This chapter requires a knowledge that is ‘broad but shallow’. Chapter 3 is all about legal concepts such as intestacy and powers of attorney so, again, this has nothing to do with ‘regulation’.
Tip: if you have purchased the CII’s R01 study text, then you automatically get access to RevisionMate online. Use the end-of-chapter test questions and find out how good your knowledge is in the areas you think you know. You might only have to do a bit of ‘topping-up’. More about RevisionMate in our 4th myth.
This is definitely incorrect. There are 11 elements to the CII R01 exam syllabus which are broadly reflected in the chapters in the CII study text. The three most heavily examined areas are:
Between them, these three chapters account for over half the total questions in R01. They also account for for all of the multiple response questions – and these are much harder to answer. It is almost impossible to pass the CII R01 exam without scoring well on these chapters.
Tip: If your revision time is short, focus on these key areas. For many people, chapter 8 is a doddle and chapters 9 and 10 just need a healthy dose of common sense. Invest your time revising chapters 5, 6 and 7 instead.
Click here for the link to the R01 exam syllabus
Not usually. Accept that there will be some questions that are based on just one or two words in the text. For the remainder, R01 typically tests the broader application of knowledge. For example:
Chapt 2 – this includes a sizeable section on social security benefits. The good news is that there is unlikely to be more than 1 or 2 questions on these. Where questions are asked, they’ll tend to test what benefits someone would qualify for, rather than a monetary amount or the ‘bells and whistles’.
Chapt 5.2 -this covers each of the nine sections that make up the FCA rule book. You are unlikely to get a question along the lines of ‘in which section of the FSA rule book would you find the T&C rules?’ This would be dull and not very relevant. You are much more likely to get a question along the lines of: ‘A mortgage adviser is subject to which of the conduct of business rules?’. The answer would be MCOB and this is much more relevant because most of what a mortgage adviser does face-to-face with a customer is governed by these rules.
Tip: Do practice questions on RevisionMate (or otherwise) to get a feel for the level of detail you will need when studying the text.
Really?! For many people, this could be the worst piece of advice they ever get. Anyone with some industry experience should usually do practice questions first, and use the text as a reference source. Sure, you will make loads of mistakes but you will learn from these. Even if you read the text from cover to cover, in isolation, most people will not remember much of it.
Click here for a link to effective revision techniques.
Click here for a students point of view on R01.
If you like learning on the go, click here for details of our audio material
For FREE practice papers and summary notes, click here
Until the next time…
The Diploma Doctor