Are you revising for the CII’s R05 exam? Know someone who is? Want to test your R05 knowledge? Then read on…..!
We’ve put together 10 multiple choice questions for you as a taster of what you can expect in the R05 exam. This exam has a pass rate of 78% which makes it the easiest CII R0 exam.
That said, you should still expect to be tested on areas such as state benefits, general insurance products such as PMI, long term care and business assurance so just about everyone will still need to brush-up on the more unfamiliar elements of the syllabus.
Click here for the CII R05 exam syllabus. Be aware. The number of questions you will get in the exam are NOT spread equally across the syllabus.
We’ve helped over 6,000 people prepare for the CII R0 exams over the past 12 months. We don’t sell multiple choice questions but we are here to help as much as we can with your R05 exam.
Now, onto the practice questions. See how well you do on these. You’ll find the answers at the end of the post.
All figures are based on the 2024/25 tax year.
1. John is worried about providing an income for his family if he is unable to work through accident or sickness over the long term. Which protection policy would be MOST suitable?
A. Personal accident and sickness
B. Accident, sickness and unemployment cover
C. Critical illness
D. Income protection insurance
2. Usef, age 68, recently had a stroke and he now needs supervision. Which state benefit will he qualify for as a result?
A. Attendance allowance
B. Personal independence payment
C. Carers’ allowance
D. Disability living allowance
3. A couple want to arrange life cover to meet an inheritance tax liability whilst keeping costs to a minimum. If they write the policy under a suitable trust, the BEST way of arranging the whole of life policy is:
A. as two single life of another policies
B. on a joint life first death
C. on a joint life second death
D. as two single life policies
4. What tax is paid on the proceeds of an offshore life policy on someone who is a UK resident when it is surrendered?
A. Income tax is paid on the full surrender value
B. Income tax is paid on the amount the value exceeds the premium(s) paid
C. CGT on the full surrender value
D. CGT on the amount the value exceeds the premium(s) paid
5. Ami has just received a £1/2 million lifetime transfer from her father. What type of life policy would be MOST suitable to pay the potential inheritance tax liability?
A. Whole of life
B. Level term
C. Decreasing term
D. Gift inter vivos
6. Here is a description of a benefit provided by an income protection insurance policy: ‘this benefit is paid if someone is unable to return to their previous work, but can undertake some lower paid work elsewhere.’ What is the name of this benefit?
A. Proportionate benefit
B. Recurrence benefit
C. Rehabilitation benefit
D. Waiver of premium benefit
7. The typical survival period on a critical illness policy is:
A. 4 days
B. 28 days
C. 6 months
D. 12 months
8. Mo is concerned about the care and medical treatment he will receive if he loses mental capacity. His current health is deteriorating, but he still has capacity. What type of new arrangement, if any, would be suitable?
A. Power of attorney
B. Enduring power of attorney
C. Lasting power of attorney
D. None. His deteriorating health means that it is too late to make any arrangement
9. Mavis is seeking funding from her local authority in Birmingham towards the cost of her long term care. Her total income is £200 per week and she has assets of £20,000. What would the local authority assess her weekly income as being (before the personal expenses allowance is deducted)?
A. £200
B. £212
C. £223
D. £224
10. With partnership protection, which legal arrangement would NOT normally qualify for IHT business relief?
A. Automatic accrual
B. Buy and sell
C. Cross-option agreement
D. shareholder trust
Here are some other tips and information that you might find useful:
Click here for tips on how to approach the R05 exam
Preparation tips and exam technique for R05. Click here
Answers: 1: D; 2: A; 3: C; 4: B; 5: D; 6: A; 7: B; 8: C; 9: C; 10: B.
Remember, good preparation is the key. Hope that you found this useful. Until the next time
Ian Patterson
Author of the current CF8, J07, and AF6 CII study texts and ex-examiner
With R0 exam revision, you’ll need to retain a wide range of information. Despite numerous tips and techniques that can help study to be more effective, most people find studying for any exam to be hard work. But if you just had to pick just one tip that will make the biggest difference, what would it be? Here’s what gets our vote.
I’ll start with an exercise that should make this point. Here are 20 different numbers between 1 and 75. I’ll ask you to look at these for 30 seconds, turn away, and see how many numbers in sequence you can remember. Here they are:
5, 18, 3, 9, 44, 11, 16, 36, 31, 72, 24, 9, 32, 41, 4, 59, 1, 63, 25, 71
How did you do? People tend to remember around six numbers in the correct sequence – typically the first three and the last three. You might have remembered slightly more or slightly less than this. Usually it will be the numbers at the beginning and the end of the list that you’ll remember. So why is this so important?
This phenomenon is referred to as primacy and recency. When you take in any information, you tend to remember the bits at the beginning and the end. The bit in the middle becomes a blur or gets forgotten. And this is something that we all do. If you are studying for an R0 exam, how can you use this valuable insight?
At the Patterson Group, we believe that exam success is about working smarter and not harder. And this is why this principle is so important. When revising, you can use this. Let me explain. Many people tend to block out a prolonged period of time to revise, often close to the exam date. Most people will have done at least some ‘cramming’ in the past. But just how effective is it?
The following diagram looks at concentration levels and how these change with time.
The important thing to remember is that it’s not how much study you do, but how much information you retain as a result. If we apply primacy and recency to this, it suggests that a two hour block of revision is unlikely to be effective for most people. Like the exercise you’ve just done, you are likely to remember the beginning and the end, and some bits in the middle. That’s great for the 15 minute periods at the start and end. It also means that much of the 1 ½ hours in between is wasted for most people.
Now, you might know people who are good at cramming. If so, they are either gifted, or they probably still break their revision into smaller chunks. In other words, it’s not a solid undiluted period of revision – but a two-hour period with a number of breaks built in. It’s these breaks that are important. We would recommend a 10 minute break every 20-30 minutes of study. And when we say break, it should be just that. Walk around, talk to people, listen to music – anything; but give your brain a break from your R0 exam study. Give yourself a proper break; give yourself regular breaks.
How does this impact on your concentration levels? If we look at this as a diagram, it should look like this:
You are still benefiting from primacy and recency. By studying for shorter periods, you’ve managed to cram more beginnings and ends into the your study time. As a result, your overall level of concentration is that much higher and you will remember more. More learning and the same amount of study time. What’s not to like?
This is a comment we hear regularly. And nothing could be further from the truth. 20-30 minutes is probably the optimum period of time. You get high levels of concentration and better retention. Part of this is due to concentration levels being maintained. Part of this is also due to the fact that you will probably only focus on two or three core concepts in this period of time. The brain likes small chunks of information nearly as much as having short study periods.
We are the leading producer of audio R0 exam material and we are convinced that small chunks are best. Our R0 exam audio material allows you to learn, in small chunks, fitting it in around the rest of your life. Simple and effective.
Click here to see why over 6,000 people have bought this study material over the last year.
There are, of course, plenty of other tips that can help you to work smarter and not harder. If you like what you’ve read, we have partnered with the leading learning specialist – Genius Material. There’s plenty more to learn about being studying effectively. We’ll look at these in subsequent blogs.
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R01: a student’s point of view
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Prepare well and be successful
Ian Patterson
Ex-examiner and author of the current CII study texts for CF8, J07 and AF6