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cii r0 exam support

CII R0 exam study support

So, you want to sit a CII R0 exam? But what study options are there and what do they include? We’ll have a look at these questions now.

The CII options

When it comes to studying for an exam, everyone will have their own preferred way to study. We all tend to have our own preferences and the CII options reflect this. If you enter R01 – 6 inc, you have three main  options:

  1. enrolment‘; or
  2. enrolment plus‘; or
  3. ‘assessment only’ (this means just the exam).

It is also possible to select the ‘enrolment‘ or ‘assessment only’ options and choose from a menu of additional revision aids that suit your needs.

These options are available for R01, R02, R03, R04, R05 and R06 (although there are some small differences between the study options for some subjects). For example with R06, you can purchase a case-study specific video that covers the potential technical content of the exam once the case studies have been issued.

The detail

When you want to sit an R0 exam, you will have to choose one of the three main options to get your exam entry. They also include the study text for the exam as a eBook (or a paper book at an additional cost), updates to these, an exam guide (which is a specimen exam paper), and use of RevisionMate which is an on-line resource.  More about RevisonMate later.

You’ve now paid to enter the exam – and got a host of additional valuable support as well. So why would you want to pay extra for enrolment plus?  Well, in addition to the material I’ve just mentioned, you also get the following with R01 to 5:

  • knowledge checker questions – this consists of up to six practice exam papers (depending on the subject); and
  • MP3 audio material – these are audiobooks that last 4-6 hours that help you to learn on the go; and
  • e-learn interactive tutorial – interactive learning; and
  • digital key facts booklet – a summary of the key points from the study material.

Perhaps not surprisingly, this top of the range option offers the widest range of study options and at a heavily discounted price.

If you decided not to go for enrolment plus, and just go for the ‘enrolment‘ option instead, you would then have the ability to just add the additional study options that you require. These can all be purchased separately.  Most are included in enrolment plus anyway with two main exceptions.


We often find that the CII’s on-line RevisonMate is a bit overlooked by people sitting their R0 exams. You automatically get access to it when you enrol for the exam.  If you want to access the e-book option of the study text, that’s where you’ll find it.  It offers:

  • a student discussion forum chat room which enables you to share common queries;
  • an exam guide;
  • a study planner and study tips;
  • ‘end of chapter’ practice questions for your R0 exam to ensure you can apply what you have learned.

We believe this is a valuable study resource – and one which is perhaps a little undervalued in terms of what it can provide.


If you want to take a look at the CII R01 page and what it all costs, click here

If you want our tips on how to pass the CII R0 exams first time (we also offer tips for the other key R0 exams), click here

If you want to hear from a student their top tips on how to pass an R0 exam, click here

Until the next time

Ian Patterson

Ex-examiner and author of the current CII study texts: CF8, J07 and AF6